Industrial Civil Engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Rassmuss has developed most of his professional work outside of Chile —Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay. Since 2016 he has chaired his family´s companies, which carry out their activities in the mining, energy and industrial areas.
In 2009 he joined the board of Invercap S.A. public corporation, in December 2018 the board of CAP and in November 2019 the board of Compañía Minera del Pacífico. In addition, he is a director of CEMIN and part of the board of Fundaciones Rassmuss, the Chilean-Peruvian Business Council and Endeavor Chile, an entity aimed at promoting high-impact entrepreneurship.

Industrial civil engineer, with a major in chemistry from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with an MBA from Saint Louis University. After 12 years working in the financial sector as a senior executive at American Express Bank and Chicago Continental Bank, he went on to work in the telecommunications and information technology area as VTR Corporate General Manager, among other positions. Between 1999 and 2003 he resided in Washington DC, serving as COO at Optiglobe Communications and Darby Technology Ventures. In addition, he has been part of various boards, such as Latam Airlines, Telefónica del Sur, Chilgener (today AESGener), Startel (today Movistar) and Aceros Otero. In March 2018 he joined the Board of Directors of CAP S.A. and on April 15, 2021 he was elected president of the same.
Salvatierra has vast experience in cybersecurity. He has participated in various seminars and training on the subject. Currently, as the director of a company providing customer cybersecurity services, he is continuously informed of the evolution of this topic worldwide. In addition, he was COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Optiglobe Communications, a pioneer company in Latin America in construction and operation of data centers which had high protection measures against cyber-attacks. Likewise, Salvatierra served as Quintec corporate general manager (CEO), an IT and business application outsourcing company that offered information security services.
Currently, Jorge Salvatierra is a director of Entel S.A. and Invercap S.A. public corporations. He is also a director of other entities such as Siderúrgica Huachipato, Loqus S.A, Invector Consultores S.A., Fundación Chilena del Pacífico and is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Canal 13 SpA.

He was born in Japan in July 1969. In 1992 he graduated with a BA in Economics from Rikkio (Saint Paul) University, Tokyo. His professional performance has been carried out in full at Mitsubishi Corporation, a company he joined just after graduating from the University.
In April 2020 he was appointed general manager of MC Inversiones Limitada, a subsidiary of
Mitsubishi Corporation in Chile, responsible for the corporation´s mining business in South America, a position he holds to date.
Mr. Mizuno has worked for 28 years at Mitsubishi Corporation, with responsibilities for marketing and investment strategy related to iron, nickel and uranium ore in the Global Strategy and Planning Department, in the mining investment division. He also served as vice president of Mitsubishi Development Ltd. iron ore and uranium division in Australia, responsible for business development.
He is currently a director of Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Minera Escondida and M.C. Inversiones Limitada.

Commercial Engineer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, with extensive professional experience in the public and private sectors, particularly in sustainability, environment, ESG, and gender issues in Chile and Latin America.
In her career in the public sector, she stands out for her performance as Minister of Environment, as well as leader of the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity and the Ministry of Education. She also served as the President of COP 25 on Climate Change during the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, where she promoted global public-private cooperation for climate action, developing the first public-private alliance for carbon neutrality by 2050 and advocating for the role of Climate Champions, bringing together 122 countries and over 3,000 global companies and investors.
Furthermore, she has served as the General Manager of Calaf S.A., CCU Foods, as well as Revista Capital and Copesa media, and has been a board member of ENERSIS, Viña Tabalí, Compañía Americana de Multiservicios (C.A.M.) SRL, and the Municipal Theater.
Currently, she is a board member of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in the United States.

Born in Valparaíso and a specialist in Mining Law, she is a lawyer from Universidad de Chile and has a Master’s degree in Law from Yale University. In her career, Montenegro award for the best Universidad de Chile Law graduate stands out, as does also her being classified in a British ranking (Who´s Who Legal) as one of the ten most reputable lawyers in mining in the world.
She was the first female president of the Mining Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA), later serving as a member of the Council, Secretary, Vice President and President of the Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Construction Section of the IBA. Patricia was also a Trustee at Large of the “Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation” think-tank (USA), and she is currently a member of its International Committee. She is also a member of Women in Corporate Directors and ICARE´s G-20 Legal Circle and Circle of Directors and a member of ESE Circle of Directors at Universidad de Los Andes.
She is currently a director of Codelco and works as Arbitrator of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce. She is also a director of the Chilean-Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Fundación Belén Educa.

Civil Mining Engineer from the University of Chile and MBA from Loyola College-UAH.
Sougarret has an extensive career in the mining sector, where he served as executive president of Codelco, executive vice-president of Empresa Nacional de Minería and CEO of Minera Esperanza and Minera Centinela, within Antofagasta Minerals. He was also recognized for his role in the rescue operation of the 33 miners trapped in the San José Mine in 2010.

Business Engineer from Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Usach) and MBA from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. De Andraca has been linked to the CAP mining-steel group for nearly two decades, where he has served as Infrastructure Manager and is a member of CAP S.A. board of directors since April 2017.
Currently, De Andraca is a director of Invercap S.A. and Cintac S.A. public corporations. In addition, he is part of the Board of Directors of Compañía Siderúrgica Huachipato and South Pacific S.A.